SAT Vocabulary for Dummies chm umd 阿里云 下载 夸克云 pdf azw3 kindle

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Book Description
Unfortunately, most students don’t have the wealth of words or the volume of vocabulary that enable them to get top scores on the SAT I (the test that most people call “the SAT”). The fact that you don’t have an SAT vocabulary isn’t due to a lack of intelligence, it’s due to the fact that almost everyone speaks using concise sentences that get to the point, rather than belabor it.
Everyone begins with a different level of vocabulary. You may already know half of the words here or you may only know a few. Regardless of how strong or weak your vocabulary currently is, SAT Vocabulary For Dummies will help you build your vocabulary and boost your test scores.
SAT Vocabulary For Dummies focuses exclusively on the vocabulary you need to know to get a good verbal score on the SAT. In this fun and easy-to-understand guide, test-prep guru Suzee Vlk provides you with a reliable way to increase your vocabulary—and scores. Unlike most vocabulary books, which provide long, boring, alphabetical lists of words, this groundbreaking guide organizes vocabulary into easy-to-remember categories (such as “personal appearance,” “intelligence,” or “money”). This book also:
* Focuses on “hot” SAT words—the 500 or so that turn up again and again on the exams
* Illustrates the meaning of words by placing them in the context of a sentence—usually through humorous stories
* Delivers lots of practical tips and tools for remembering tough words
* Gives the lowdown on roots
* Lists antonyms and synonyms and shows ways to increase comprehension using context
* Contains practice questions with answer explanations
Packed with tips, tricks, stories, and jokes that will help build your vocabulary, SAT Vocabulary For Dummies is a painless way to get a handle on the words that you need to master before you take the SAT.
From the Back Cover
Packed with tips, tricks, stories, and jokes to build your vocabulary
The painless way to get a handle on over 500 challenging words
To get a good verbal score on the SAT I, the PSAT, or the GRE, you need to be familiar with a myriad (large number) of difficult words. Relax! This fun and easy guide delivers just what you need – proven vocabulary-building tips, word groupings by category, humorous stories that put words in context, practice exams, and more!
The Dummies Way
* Explanations in plain English
* "Get in, get out" information
* Icons and other navigational aids
* Tear-out cheat sheet
* Top ten lists
* A dash of humor and fun
Book Dimension
length: (cm)23.6 width:(cm)19.2
Book Description
Unfortunately, most students don’t have the wealth of words or the volume of vocabulary that enable them to get top scores on the SAT I (the test that most people call “the SAT”). The fact that you don’t have an SAT vocabulary isn’t due to a lack of intelligence, it’s due to the fact that almost everyone speaks using concise sentences that get to the point, rather than belabor it.
Everyone begins with a different level of vocabulary. You may already know half of the words here or you may only know a few. Regardless of how strong or weak your vocabulary currently is, SAT Vocabulary For Dummies will help you build your vocabulary and boost your test scores.
SAT Vocabulary For Dummies focuses exclusively on the vocabulary you need to know to get a good verbal score on the SAT. In this fun and easy-to-understand guide, test-prep guru Suzee Vlk provides you with a reliable way to increase your vocabulary—and scores. Unlike most vocabulary books, which provide long, boring, alphabetical lists of words, this groundbreaking guide organizes vocabulary into easy-to-remember categories (such as “personal appearance,” “intelligence,” or “money”). This book also:
* Focuses on “hot” SAT words—the 500 or so that turn up again and again on the exams
* Illustrates the meaning of words by placing them in the context of a sentence—usually through humorous stories
* Delivers lots of practical tips and tools for remembering tough words
* Gives the lowdown on roots
* Lists antonyms and synonyms and shows ways to increase comprehension using context
* Contains practice questions with answer explanations
Packed with tips, tricks, stories, and jokes that will help build your vocabulary, SAT Vocabulary For Dummies is a painless way to get a handle on the words that you need to master before you take the SAT.
From the Back Cover
Packed with tips, tricks, stories, and jokes to build your vocabulary
The painless way to get a handle on over 500 challenging words
To get a good verbal score on the SAT I, the PSAT, or the GRE, you need to be familiar with a myriad (large number) of difficult words. Relax! This fun and easy guide delivers just what you need – proven vocabulary-building tips, word groupings by category, humorous stories that put words in context, practice exams, and more!
The Dummies Way
* Explanations in plain English
* "Get in, get out" information
* Icons and other navigational aids
* Tear-out cheat sheet
* Top ten lists
* A dash of humor and fun
Book Dimension
length: (cm)23.6 width:(cm)19.2
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