The Drucker Lectures: Essential Lessons on Management Society and Economy 德鲁克讲座(ISBN 9780071700450) chm umd 阿里云 下载 夸克云 pdf azw3 kindle

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Throughout his professional life, Peter F. Drucker inspired
millions of business leaders not only through his famous writings
but also through his lectures and keynotes. These speeches
contained some of his most valuable insights, but had never been
published in book form—until now.
The Drucker Lectures features more than 30 talks from one of
management's most important figures. Drawn from the Drucker
Archives at the Drucker Institute at Claremont Graduate University,
the lectures showcase Drucker's wisdom, wit, profundity, and
prescience on such topics as:
Politics and economics of the environment
Knowledge workers and the Knowledge Society
Computer and information literacy
Managing nonprofit organizations
During his life, Drucker well understood that over the last 150
years the world had become a society of large institutions—and that
they would only become larger and more powerful. He contended that
unless these institutions were effectively managed and ethically
led, the good health of society as a whole would be in peril. His
prediction is unfolding before our eyes.
The Drucker Lectures is a timely, instructive book proving that
responsible behavior and good business can, in fact, exist hand in
Peter Ferdinand Drucker (November 19, 1909 – November 11,
2005) was a writer, management consultant, and self-described
“social ecologist.” His books and scholarly and popular articles
explored how humans are organized across the business, government
and the nonprofit sectors of society.He is one of the best-known
and most widely influential thinkers and writers on the subject of
management theory and practice. His writings have predicted many of
the major developments of the late twentieth century, including
privatization and decentralization; the rise of Japan to economic
world power; the decisive importance of marketing; and the
emergence of the information society with its necessity of lifelong
learning.In 1959, Drucker coined the term “knowledge worker" and
later in his life considered knowledge work productivity to be the
next frontier of management.
Previously unpublished talks from the Father of Modern Management Throughout his professional life, Peter F. Drucker inspired millions of business leaders not only through his famous writings but also through his lectures and keynotes. These speeches contained some of his most valuable insights, but had never been published in book form—until now. The Drucker Lectures features more than 30 talks from one of management's most important figures. Drawn from the Drucker Archives at the Drucker Institute at Claremont Graduate University, the lectures showcase Drucker's wisdom, wit, profundity, and prescience on such topics as: Politics and economics of the environment Knowledge workers and the Knowledge Society Computer and information literacy Managing nonprofit organizations Globalization During his life, Drucker well understood that over the last 150 years the world had become a society of large institutions—and that they would only become larger and more powerful. He contended that unless these institutions were effectively managed and ethically led, the good health of society as a whole would be in peril. His prediction is unfolding before our eyes. The Drucker Lectures is a timely, instructive book proving that responsible behavior and good business can, in fact, exist hand in hand. Praise for The Drucker Lectures "Peter Drucker shined a light in a dark and chaotic world, and his words remain as relevant today as when he first spoke them. Drucker's lectures and thoughts deserve to be considered by every person of responsibility, now, tomorrow, ten years from now, fifty, and a hundred."
-Jim Collins, author of Good to Great and How the Mighty Fall "Rick Wartzman has brought Peter Drucker alive again, and vividly so, in his own words. These samples of his talks and lectures, because they were spoken not written, will be new to almost all of us. A great and unexpected treat."
-Charles Handy, author of Myself and Other More Important Matters "Peter Drucker's ideas continue to resonate powerfully today. His lectures on effectiveness, innovation, the social sector, education and so much more provide fresh insights that extend beyond his other writings and provide lessons for us all. This book is a gem."
-Wendy Kopp, CEO and founder of Teach for America "Rick Wartzman has performed a great service in pulling together The Drucker Lectures. The collection is as far-ranging as Drucker's thinking and writing. If you have sampled Drucker before, you will find things you haven't seen. Peter's ideas live on. You will be energized by reading them anew."
-Paul O'Neill, former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury "Peter Drucker inspires awe. From the 1940s until his death a few years ago, he displayed a combination of insight, prescience, and productivity that few will ever match. This superbly edited collection captures both the range of Drucker's thinking and the sweep of history that informed it. The Drucker Lectures is a riveting read that reveals the depth and subtlety of one of America's most remarkable minds."
-Daniel H. Pink, author of A Whole New Mind and Drive "Rick Wartzman really has brought Peter to life in The Drucker Lectures. Reading this book, I practically felt as though I were seated in the audience, listening to my friend and hero, Peter Drucker-truly one of the great geniuses of management. These lectures are as vital today as they were when Peter delivered them. They cover significant territory, from the importance of faith and the individual to the rise of the global economy. It's a classic collection that belongs on every manager's bookshelf."
-Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager and Leading at a Higher Level "Thank you, Rick Wartzman, for the pleasure of learning from the witty, informal Peter Drucker as his ideas unfold and his remarkable mind grapples with challenges of management that are still with us today."
-Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business School Professor and author of Confidence and SuperCorp: How Vanguard Companies Create Innovation, Profits, Growth, and Social Good
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