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Harvest for Hope(ISBN=9780446698214)书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780446698214
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2006-09
  • 页数:320
  • 价格:84.50
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:32开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 原文摘录:点击查看


The renowned scientist who fundamentally changed the way we view primates and our relationship with the animal kingdom now turns her attention to an incredibly important and deeply personal issue-taking a stand for a more sustainable world. In this provocative and encouraging book, Jane Goodall sounds a clarion call to Western society, urging us to take a hard look at the food we produce and consume-and showing us how easy it is to create positive change.Offering her hopeful, but stirring vision, Goodall argues convincingly that each individual can make a difference. She offers simple strategies each of us can employ to foster a sustainable society. Brilliant, empowering, and irrepressibly optimistic, HARVEST FOR HOPE is one of the most crucial works of our age. If we follow Goodall's sound advice, we just might save ourselves before it's too late.











苏 格 兰 庆 祝 新 年 时 规 模 巨 大, 欢 呼 雀 跃 地 唱 过“ 友 谊 地 久 天 长” 后, 是 为 新 年 举 杯, 当 十 二 点 的最 后 一 声 钟 声 渐 渐 变 弱, 所 有 人 干 杯, 然 后 甩 开 肩 膀 向 后 扔 杯 子, 杯 子 摔 得 粉 碎。 我 头 一 回 到 几 位 希 腊 朋 友 家 中 参 加 生 日 聚 会 时 简 直 吓 坏 了, 几 杯 酒 下 肚 之 后, 舞 跳 得 越 来 越 起 劲, 客 人 们 开 始 将 盘 子 用 力 朝 地 上 摔, 一 个 接 一 个 地 摔 碎, 同 时 继 续 狂 舞, 而 且 光 着 脚!


许多家禽都被饲养在“电池农场”( Battery Farms,因为狭小的笼子酷似蓄电池而得名)里,建筑物里成百上千个笼子一个堆一个。在蛋鸡的“电池农场中,光是一间棚就能装多达七万只笼中鸟,四到六只母鸡挤在狭小的铁丝笼里,距离近到无法伸展翅膀。







  The renowned scientist who fundamentally changed the way we

view primates and our relationship with the animal kingdom now

turns her attention to an incredibly important and deeply personal

issue-taking a stand for a more sustainable world. In this

provocative and encouraging book, Jane Goodall sounds a clarion

call to Western society, urging us to take a hard look at the food

we produce and consume-and showing us how easy it is to create

positive change.Offering her hopeful, but stirring vision, Goodall

argues convincingly that each individual can make a difference. She

offers simple strategies each of us can employ to foster a

sustainable society. Brilliant, empowering, and irrepressibly

optimistic, HARVEST FOR HOPE is one of the most crucial works of

our age. If we follow Goodall's sound advice, we just might save

ourselves before it's too late.


The renowned scientist who fundamentally changed the way we view primates and our relationship with the animal kingdom now turns her attention to an incredibly important and deeply personal issue-taking a stand for a more sustainable world. In this provocative and encouraging book, Jane Goodall sounds a clarion call to Western society, urging us to take a hard look at the food we produce and consume-and showing us how easy it is to create positive change.Offering her hopeful, but stirring vision, Goodall argues convincingly that each individual can make a difference. She offers simple strategies each of us can employ to foster a sustainable society. Brilliant, empowering, and irrepressibly optimistic, HARVEST FOR HOPE is one of the most crucial works of our age. If we follow Goodall's sound advice, we just might save ourselves before it's too late.


  • 故事情节:3分

  • 人物塑造:8分

  • 主题深度:4分

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  • 知识深度:8分

  • 知识广度:5分

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  • 章节划分:9分

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  • 情感共鸣:6分

  • 引人入胜:8分

  • 现实相关:4分

  • 沉浸感:3分

  • 事实准确性:8分

  • 文化贡献:4分


  • 书籍多样性:3分

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  • 下载便捷性:8分


  • 四星好评(550+)
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  • 书籍完整(271+)


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